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Meet the Parrots!

Welcome to our feathered family! Meet our delightful parrots, each with their own unique story and personality. From adventurous explorations to cherished moments, our birds have lived full lives before joining us. Discover the history of each parrot, their quirks, and what makes them special. Dive into their vibrant personalities and learn about their individual journeys that have brought them to our family. Join us in celebrating the colorful and joyful world of our beloved parrots!



I’m a double yellow-headed Amazon. My former family gave me five wonderful years and showered me with love. My human dad was a truck driver, and I used to accompany him all day to explore Canada! But one day, I learned they were moving far East to a place they used to call home and couldn’t take me with them. Fortunately, my human mom found me! She loves me dearly, and I am very happy.

P.S. I am the King of our family flock.


I'm an African Grey, and I have always been a spoiled girl. I have two siblings, and our former family gave us all fourteen years of an amazing suburban life. If we were humans, I bet we would've gone to a private school with Gucci backpacks! But one day, our human parents separated, and our human mom couldn’t look after us anymore. So, she took us to a strange, new place. At first, we were scared and sad, but they gave us love, time, treats, and best of all, they helped us each find new homes. 

I don’t know where my siblings are, but I trust they're okay! I am a happy and spoiled girl, and my new human mom loves me so much. She even calls me her little girl!



I'm a Green-Winged Macaw, but I am not sure how old I am. I can’t even remember how many human parents and homes I've had! I am a very big girl, but please don’t be intimidated by my size. Once you get to know me and I can recognize your voice, I am a sweet girl. Recognize your voice? Yes, I am blind, but please don’t be sad or feel sorry for me! I might have been a handful for some humans in the past, but now I have a stable family, and I'm happy! 


Even though I love to walk around the house like a dog and ignore my human mom when she calls for me, she still has patience and loves me dearly!


I'm a Lesser Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo, and my humans say I'm around 35 years old. I've had so many human homes that I can’t count them all. Some were nice, but in others, I didn't see a human at all. My feathered friends and I felt so alone, and I screamed and screamed all day long, just wanting a human to take me to a better place where I would feel loved. 

One day, my dream came true! I now have human parents who love me. I have freedom, lots of yummy food, and plenty of attention. I have it all! Although I'm still scared and have separation anxiety, I know I'm loved.



I'm a Senegal Parrot, and I have a pretty sweet life. My first 18 years were full of love, and I was very spoiled. My human mom was awesome, but as her adult life got busier, she realized she couldn't give me the attention I needed. Even though it was a hard decision, she knew it was the right thing to do, and she chose my new human mom. 

I am the luckiest boy because not only do I have an awesome human mom again, but I also have feathered siblings! Oh, did I mention my name is Tazzy? I have a mind of my own and I call myself Baby. I may be small, but I have a big personality and usually get my way. That's when my human mom calls me a little nuisance!

P.S. My first human mom said I'm quite the character and a little chatterbox.


I'm a Green Cheek Conure, and for the first nine years of my life, my human mom was a child! I was loved, spoiled, and happy. But as my human mom grew up, she began losing interest in me. I was sad, lonely, and wondering what I might've done wrong. Then, my human granny found me a new human mom, and now I am so very happy! She's my best friend, and I haven't loved a human this much before. 

I am a very happy little boy and love to dance to my favorite song, "Staying Alive" by the Bee Gees. I'm very active and curious, so I can get into trouble easily. This is why I spend a lot of time with my human mom! I think I'm her favourite, but please don’t tell my feathered siblings...

Oh, did I mention that I broke my jaw and lost my bottom beak? Yep! So, I get extra attention and special meals every day.



I'm a Sun Conure, and I am the prettiest little girl! I spent my first two years with my first human mom, who was so good to me. I even had my own room like a big girl. Life was very happy until two big, hairy, four-legged monsters moved in. I was petrified and had to be tough to protect myself. I was so scared and confused! Why were those monsters spending time with my human mom? Why couldn't I be free in my room anymore? I was so sad.

Then one day, a new human came and took me away, and I was even more confused. But then I met my new human mom and my feathered siblings. At first, I didn’t want to eat, and I was very quiet. But as time went by, I found my happiness again. Even though I scream in my human mom's ears all the time, she takes me out to do fun things, and I feel so loved.


I'm a Cinnamon Cockatiel, and I'm sassy and classy!

I've been a very lucky tiel. My former human mom was good to me, but humans make choices, and they decided to find me a new home. It's been so long that I hardly remember my life before, but I'm okay with that. Now, I have a wonderful life with a beautiful room just for me and my feathered siblings, and I'm free all day long. I keep an eye on everything but still love to do my own thing. When it's time for bed, I like to hide from my human mom, but she always finds me in my hiding spot.



I'm a Lutino Cockatiel, and I'm quite dramatic. I might be a bit slow, but if you get to know me, you'll fall in love with me! I've had a few human moms before, and my last one had to let me go because she developed allergies. Fortunately, she found me a new human mom that I truly love!


Hands-Off! I'm still in training.


I'm an Indian Ringneck parrot. My human mom adopted me when I was just a few months old, and she is doing her best to help me interact better with humans. I know some people think my kind are nippy and hard to train, but we just have our own minds. I know I am a smart and stunningly beautiful girl, and I love my human mom’s head scratches.

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In Loving Memory of Jack...

Jack was a Blue-headed Amazon, and although I didn’t know his exact age, he was a senior bird with a long history. Jack’s second human mom, a single woman, cared for him for over 35 years. She loved and spoiled him like a child until her last breath. Jack exemplified how parrots, like humans, can live long lives filled with joy, sadness, trauma, and grief. In their final years together, his human mom’s declining physical and mental health significantly impacted both their lives. Jack’s quality of life deteriorated as she frequently went in and out of the hospital. Eventually, they both moved into a nursing home, where his mom passed away on January 26, 2018. 


On that day, I took over Jack’s care, committing to him with love and patience, and he became a significant part of my life. I believe parrots have a soul, and Jack was profoundly broken and scared when he came to me. It took time to see improvement, but each small step was a testament to the power of love and dedication. Jack often accompanied me to senior homes, where he was gentle with the elderly residents. He learned to trust again, and I was able to make the last years of his life happy.


Jack crossed the rainbow on April 1, 2024, at 10:45 am. He taught me many things, especially the power of love and dedication. Jack inspired me to help other parrots in need and to promote awareness of the significant commitment required to care for a parrot. 

“I will always miss you, my old Jack.”

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